Currently reading: Cryo Immuno Diamond Knife by ProSciTech Pty Ltd

Cryo Immuno Diamond Knife

Brief informative article on DiATOME cryo immuno diamond knives

cryo immuno diamond knifeDiATOME CRYO IMMUNO DIAMOND KNIVES

The first cryo knife with a diamond platform guarantees the best possible sectioning for cryo-immuno-chemistry.

immuno diamond knife

The diamond platform ensures easy and gentle section collection. Sections are collected directly from the diamond surface using a loop and a sucrose/methylcellulose droplet (Refs. Liou, Peters).
The 35° cutting angle leads to a considerable reduction in mechanical stresses and therefore to improved structure preservation in sucrose-protected samples.

Fusion of late endosome/lyosome with the Mycobacteria tuberculosis phagosome. Aldehyde fixed cryo-section labeled with anti- CD63 and protein-A gold 10nm. Scale bar = 100nm. Nicole van der Wel and Peter J. Peters, Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam.


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